Steel Genius Careers


If you have a Steel energy according to your Wealth Dynamics profile, you have a unique set of strengths and characteristics that can help you excel in the right job or career. 

If you haven’t taken the test yet, you can do so here.

Here are some tips on how to leverage your Steel energy to find success:

Focus on goals:

Steel energy is all about setting and achieving goals. You are a natural strategist and excel at creating plans to achieve your objectives. Take time to identify your goals and create a plan of action to achieve them. Make sure to break down your goals into smaller, actionable steps to make them more achievable.

Embrace structure and routine:

Steel energy thrives on structure and routine. You are most productive when you have a clear plan and a set routine to follow. Develop a routine that works for you and stick to it. This will help you stay organized, focused, and on track.

Cultivate discipline:

Steel energy requires discipline and self-control. You are capable of pushing through challenges and staying focused on your goals. Cultivate discipline by setting clear boundaries and following through on your commitments. Don't allow distractions or excuses to derail your progress.

Be persistent:

Steel energy is known for its persistence and resilience. You don't give up easily and are willing to put in the work to achieve your goals. Don't be discouraged by setbacks or failures - use them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Now, how does the Steel energy compare to the other Wealth Dynamics energies?

Let's take a quick look:
Dynamo Energy: Dynamo energy is all about taking action and moving quickly. In contrast, Steel energy is more focused on structure and planning. While Dynamos excel at jumping into action, Steels excel at creating a solid foundation to support their actions.

Blaze Energy: Blaze energy is all about creativity and exploration. Steels, on the other hand, thrive on structure and routine. While Blazes excel at coming up with new ideas, Steels excel at executing those ideas with precision and discipline.

Tempo Energy: Tempo energy is all about creating harmonious systems and processes. Steels, like Tempos, thrive on structure and routine. However, while Tempos focus on creating systems that are adaptable and flexible, Steels focus on creating systems that are reliable and consistent.

In summary, if you have Steel energy, you excel at setting and achieving goals, thrive on structure and routine, and are persistent and disciplined. Use these strengths to your advantage in your personal and professional life. Remember to stay focused on your goals, cultivate discipline, and embrace structure to achieve success. 

If you need help creating a plan to achieve your goals, or if you need further guidance on how to leverage your Steel energy for career success, consider working with a career coach who can help you create a plan of action that aligns with your values and goals. 

And if you're interested in working remotely like I do but you're not sure what business to create, check out my coaching program below ↓

I help individuals like you start the right online business - based on your talents, personality profile, what's important to you, the audience you’d like to work with and many more criteria. 

Together, we'll create that powerful career that will provide you with purpose, flexibility and impact. 

ArticleJonathan Magnin