Start the Right Online Business - Full payment

This is the one-time payment for the Mentorship.

Start the Right Online Business Mentorship is a transformative 1 on 1 mentoring program.

In the 12 weeks:

1 - You will get clarity on what really matters to you in a job, on 12 different levels.

2 - We will create your ideal online business by combining what you value most.

3 - We will create your value proposition, your niche & roadmap, and a personalized action plan to start your business.

In terms of logistics, we will meet for 12 weeks, with 1 private call for 1h15min per week (Total: 15h of 1 on 1 mentoring).

As a bonus, I include the famous Wealth Dynamics test (the “Find your Flow test”) that will tell you which of the 8 wealth profiles is your natural path. It also includes a 1h, 1 on 1 debrief in order to understand how to use the results in your life.