Blaze Genius Careers


If you have a Blaze energy according to your Wealth Dynamics profile, you have a unique set of strengths and characteristics that can help you excel in the right job or career. 

If you haven’t taken the test yet, you can do so here.

Here are some tips on how to leverage your Blaze energy to find success:

Embrace your enthusiasm:

As a Blaze, you have an infectious enthusiasm that can inspire and motivate others. Use this energy to your advantage by seeking out roles that allow you to connect with people and bring a positive energy to the workplace. Consider positions such as sales, marketing, or customer service.

Seek out variety:

As a Blaze, you thrive on variety and change. Avoid jobs that are too routine or monotonous. Instead, look for opportunities that allow you to work on different projects and tasks. Consider positions such as event planner, project manager, or consultant.

Take risks:

As a Blaze, you're not afraid to take risks and try new things. Embrace this quality and seek out opportunities that allow you to push the boundaries and innovate. Consider positions such as entrepreneur, inventor, or creative director.

Cultivate your creativity:

As a Blaze, you have a natural creativity that can be harnessed in many different ways. Look for roles that allow you to express your creativity and think outside the box. Consider positions such as artist, writer, or designer.

Build relationships:

As a Blaze, you excel at connecting with others and building relationships. Use this strength to your advantage by seeking out roles that allow you to work with people and collaborate on projects. Consider positions such as team leader, coach, or mentor.

Now, how does the Blaze energy compare to the other Wealth Dynamics energies?

Let's take a quick look:
Dynamo Energy: Dynamos are driven by their passion and intensity, just like Blazes. However, Dynamos tend to be more focused and goal-oriented, while Blazes thrive on variety and change.

Tempo Energy: Tempos are known for their ability to find and maintain balance, while Blazes tend to be more spontaneous and unpredictable.

Steel Energy: Steels are focused and disciplined, while Blazes are more free-spirited and creative.

In summary, as a Blaze, you excel at bringing positive energy and enthusiasm to the workplace, thrive on variety and change, and are not afraid to take risks and push boundaries. Consider roles that allow you to express your creativity and build relationships with others. If you're considering entrepreneurship, embrace your natural innovation and creativity to start a business that stands out.

If you need further guidance on how to leverage your Blaze energy for career success, consider working with a career coach who can help you create a plan of action that aligns with your values and goals. 

And if you're interested in working remotely like I do but you're not sure what business to create, check out my coaching program below ↓

I help individuals like you start the right online business - based on your talents, personality profile, what's important to you, the audience you’d like to work with and many more criteria. 

Together, we'll create that powerful career that will provide you with purpose, flexibility and impact. 

ArticleJonathan Magnin