Featured in GrowthMentor platform


Life can be difficult, and the challenge of entrepreneurship can certainly add a complexity layer.

As a self-taught person, I used to look for solutions on my own. It was time consuming and often I lacked perspective, but it worked.

Then slowly I opened to outside advice, and even if sometimes it was painful, the feedback and creative ideas I got from asking around were always useful.

One of the platforms I used was a competitor of Clarity.fm called GrowthMentor.

The staff there was very helpful and I supported them during their early growth.

They actually published a “customer story” on their website about the experience I had with their platform.

Check it out if you’re curious!

I hope it inspires you to reach out to someone a bit ahead of you on your path.

Oh, and if it makes sense to reach out to me, just do it!

ArticleJonathan Magnin