Perspective on numbers

Numbers can be pretty intense.

Following the corona virus spread and its number of cases and deaths was at first addictive, then really sad until some feeling of numbness start to show up.

How can we become unaffected by 100,000 new cases when a few weeks ago 1,000 new cases was a lot?

The breaking news caught our attention, now it’s back to a new normal that we already accepted.

We’re so quick to accept new situations. We really are.

In France and for almost 2 weeks now, to go out to do anything you need a paper filled with your intention to go out.

And that’s it, people are almost used to it already.

We’re creatures of habits and I love the power of habits to accomplish important things in my life.

Some say it takes 7, 21 or whatever days to get used to a new thing.

Just add the new habit to something you already do and it sticks.

When you go out, fill the form.

Very quickly we slipped into a highly controlled police State, "for our own good” of course.

I’m not saying it’s bad to stay inside to control the pandemic, it makes sense now.

But a mean side of the State aims to control you, and it will do it as much as you let it do it.

You know, tracking your expenses, cell phone and computer data, cameras everywhere…

The problem is that with these new rules, they take advantage of it and you, you get used to asking for permission to do anything.

Then what’s the limit?

It’s not for right now, but please keep in mind that at some point, you might need to wake up to get your freedom back.

Oh, and the original goal of this article was to share this picture that gives us some perspective on the corona numbers.

Not to say the exponential gravity of the corona virus is to take lightly.

But just to put things in perspective as there are many other curves that grow very fast and we couldn’t care less about.

I feel an important one is missing:

The Lancet study estimates that pollution kills 9 million people a year.

That’s about 25,000 deaths per day.

But it is not exponential so breaking news are not interested.

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ArticleJonathan Magnin