Virtual Worldschooling Summit

Virtual Worldschooling Summit.png

Just to let you know…

If the topic of living abroad with your family and educating your kids yourself sounds like a cool adventure to you, I'll be one of the presenters in this virtual summit, addressing how to earn a living remotely by discovering the right career for you.

Get your free ticket here:

I was actually interviewed by Lainie Liberti a few months ago.

It went great, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it and there are lots of other presenters covering topics such as worldschooling basics, location independence, family and health, education and learning, and traveling.

Once the interview was over, she invited me to her bi-annual event in Granada, Spain to present and run workshops to her audience of worldschoolers.

Looks like she liked the interview :)

Hope you like it too.

ArticleJonathan Magnin