How to Get a Job and Build a Career as a Lord


If you're a Lord according to your Wealth Dynamics profile, you have a unique set of strengths and characteristics that can help you excel in the right job or career. 

If you haven’t taken the test yet, you can do so here.

Lords are your best analysts. Give them the space to study the detail and to deliver the data. Don’t ask them to go out and network, as they are strongest when focused behind the scenes. 

When you need to keep count or keep score, give the job to a Lord and they will always be the most reliable to keep track.

Lords sit on the left side of the square, Introverted and analytical. 

Successful Lords are not seen, and rarely heard – until they emerge in control of an entire industry. Lords such as Carnegie in the early 1990’s, and Mittal in the early 2000’s, emerged in control of the steel industry after quietly building their empires for years.

Here are some tips on how to find the right job for your Lord profile

1 - Look for positions that allow you to manage and lead:

As a Lord, you thrive on being in control and managing people and resources. Look for roles that allow you to take on leadership positions, such as project manager, team leader, or executive. Consider industries such as finance, real estate, or business consulting.

2 - Seek out opportunities for growth and expansion:

As a Lord, you have a natural inclination towards accumulating wealth and expanding your influence. Look for companies that offer room for growth and advancement. Consider industries such as technology, finance, or real estate where you can leverage your skills to build your own empire.

3 - Build your network:

As a Lord, you understand the importance of building relationships and connecting with influential people. Look for opportunities to build your network through networking events, conferences, or professional organizations. Consider joining industry associations or attending leadership workshops to expand your knowledge and network.

4 - What team roles work best:

Controller, treasurer, data management, score keeper, data-focused leadership, learning through measurement and calculation, communicating through data and reports will bring Lords to flow.

5 - Play to your strengths:

Once the systems in place, Lords will make sure things run smoothly. Lords are behind every bank and big business, watching the numbers.

How Lords get into flow

Lords love certainty and are most comfortable with routine, where they know what comes next and they have a chance to check the results to see if they came out as predicted. 

Lords love to get things right and they love it even more if the team or the system gets things right. 

This means they are great scorekeepers and test takers and get into flow when they are given clear feedback and results that they can improve on.

Now how does the Lord profile compare to other Wealth Dynamics profiles?

Let's take a quick look: 

Creator Profile: Creators excel at generating ideas and bringing new products or services to market, but may struggle with managing people or resources. In contrast, Lords are excellent at managing people and resources, but may struggle with generating new ideas.

Supporter Profile: Supporters excel at building relationships and supporting others, but may struggle with taking control or making tough decisions. On the other hand, Lords are natural leaders who thrive on taking control and making tough decisions.

Trader Profile: Traders excel at identifying and capitalizing on market opportunities, but may struggle with managing people or resources. In contrast, Lords excel at managing people and resources to achieve success, but may struggle with identifying new market opportunities.

In summary, as a Lord, you excel at managing people and resources to achieve success. You have a natural talent for strategy and planning and thrive in leadership roles. Consider roles that allow you to build your own empire and expand your influence. If you're considering entrepreneurship, consider starting a business in industries such as finance, real estate, or business consulting.

If you need further guidance on finding the right career fit for your Lord profile, consider working with a career coach who can help you create a plan of action that aligns with your values and goals. 

And if you're interested in working remotely like I do but you're not sure what business to create, check out my coaching program below ↓

I help individuals like you start the right online business - based on your talents, personality profile, what's important to you, the audience you’d like to work with and many more criteria. 

Together, we'll create that powerful career that will provide you with purpose, flexibility and impact. 

ArticleJonathan Magnin