How to Get a Job and Build a Career as a Mechanic


If you're a Mechanic according to your Wealth Dynamics profile, you have a unique set of strengths and characteristics that can help you excel in the right job or career. 

If you haven’t taken the test yet, you can do so here.

Mechanics are your best completers. They will wrap up the process and find smart ways to do it better next time. Don’t ask a mechanic to start from scratch, but do give them an existing process or product to improve on. They work fine on their own and often find social situations uncomfortable.

Mechanics sit on the top right of the Wealth Dynamics square. They are both creative and system focused. Mechanics can quietly tinker in the background on their own, taking apart and putting together things that already exist. 

They are much more comfortable with measurable things like data and details, rather than complicated things like people and their emotions :) 

Here are some tips on how to find the right job for your Mechanic profile

1 - Look for roles that allow you to create and build:

As a Mechanic, you thrive in roles that allow you to build and create things with your hands. Look for jobs in fields such as engineering, architecture, construction, or manufacturing.

2 - Seek out opportunities for problem-solving:

As a Mechanic, you have a natural talent for solving problems and finding solutions. Look for roles that require critical thinking and problem-solving skills, such as IT support, technical writing, or research and development.

3 - Find ways to use your attention to detail:

Mechanics are known for their attention to detail and their ability to work meticulously. Look for roles that require precision and detail-oriented work, such as quality control, data analysis, or accounting.

4 - Consider entrepreneurship:

As a Mechanic, you have a natural talent for building and creating, making entrepreneurship an excellent fit. Consider starting your own business or freelancing in a field that allows you to showcase your technical skills and problem-solving abilities.

5 - Play to your strengths:

As a Mechanic, you excel at creating and building, but may struggle with marketing your products or services. It's important to find roles that allow you to focus on your strengths and collaborate with others who can complement your skill set.

How Mechanics get into flow

Mechanics get into flow by bringing order to chaos, which is the opposite to the Creators, who like creating chaos from order. 

They get fulfillment from completion and a job well done, so they get into flow by having a series of smaller projects to complete rather than one large activity that is never done.

Now how does the Mechanic profile compare to other Wealth Dynamics profiles?

Let's take a quick look: 

Star Profile: Stars excel at being in the spotlight and working on multiple projects at once, while Mechanics thrive on focusing on one project at a time and working meticulously.

Deal Maker Profile: Deal Makers excel at identifying and closing deals, while Mechanics prefer to work behind the scenes and focus on the details of a project.

Accumulator Profile: Accumulators are excellent at managing resources and building wealth, while Mechanics are more focused on building and creating things.

In summary, as a Mechanic, you excel at building and creating things with your hands and have a natural talent for solving problems. Consider roles that allow you to focus on your strengths and collaborate with others who complement your skill set. Entrepreneurship could be an excellent fit, giving you the opportunity to showcase your technical skills and problem-solving abilities on your terms.

If you need further guidance on finding the right career fit for your Mechanic profile, consider working with a career coach who can help you create a plan of action that aligns with your values and goals. 

And if you're interested in working remotely like I do but you're not sure what business to create, check out my coaching program below ↓

I help individuals like you start the right online business - based on your talents, personality profile, what's important to you, the audience you’d like to work with and many more criteria. 

Together, we'll create that powerful career that will provide you with purpose, flexibility and impact. 

ArticleJonathan Magnin