How to Get a Job and Build a Career as a Supporter


If you're a Supporter according to your Wealth Dynamics profile, you have a unique set of strengths and characteristics that can help you excel in the right job or career. 

If you haven’t taken the test yet, you can do so here.

Supporters are the best leaders, but don’t expect them to come up with the plan themselves. Build a plan and set the goals with a Supporter, and then let them lead the team towards the plan. 

Let them set their own management style, and their own agenda. Always give them an environment of fun, variety and celebration.

Supporters are outgoing, loyal and fantastic networkers. Their value is in the heat of the moment – the relationships they create and the enthusiasm they can offer. 

Left to themselves they often get indecisive and lost – like fire without wood. When given the opportunity to build their own team, the team can outpace, outsmart and outperform the most quick-witted competitor.

Here are some tips on how to find the right job for your Supporter profile

1 - Look for roles that allow you to help others:

As a Supporter, you have a natural inclination to help others and be of service. Look for roles that allow you to use your nurturing skills and make a positive impact on people's lives. Consider positions such as nurse, therapist, social worker, or teacher.

2 - Seek out opportunities to collaborate:

As a Supporter, you thrive on working with others and building relationships. Avoid jobs that require you to work alone or in isolation. Instead, look for companies that have a team-based culture and value collaboration.

3 - Find ways to express your creativity:

Although you enjoy helping others, you also have a creative side. Look for roles that allow you to express your creativity and bring new ideas to the table. Consider positions such as artist, designer, writer, or event planner.

4 - Consider social entrepreneurship:

As a Supporter, you have a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world. Consider starting a social enterprise or working for a company that has a strong social mission. This will allow you to use your nurturing skills while also making a difference in the world.

5 - Play to your strengths:

As a Supporter, you excel at building relationships and helping others. You may struggle with making tough decisions or taking risks, so it's important to find roles that allow you to focus on your strengths. Find complementary profiles to help you out such as Traders and Mechanics. 

How Supporters get into flow

Supporters love group activities and having a chance to be appreciated by their group. Their flow comes from both being appreciated and having the chance to appreciate and value others.

Micro-management does not work for Supporters, but giving goals that they can then achieve with others does. 

Supporters get into flow through variety and excitement, which is the opposite of those high on Steel energy, who prefer certainty and stability. 

When this energy is brought into a project and focused on results, it warms up the entire team.

Now how does the Supporter profile compare to other Wealth Dynamics profiles?

Let's take a quick look: 

Trader Profile: Traders are excellent at spotting opportunities and making deals, but may struggle with building long-term relationships. In contrast, Supporters thrive on building relationships and may struggle with the more transactional nature of the Trader profile.

Lord Profile: Lords are excellent at managing resources and creating systems, but may struggle with being empathetic and connecting with people on a personal level. In contrast, Supporters excel at nurturing relationships and may struggle with the more analytical aspects of the Lord profile.

Creator Profile: Creators are excellent at generating new ideas and bringing them to life, but may struggle with the day-to-day implementation and execution. In contrast, Supporters excel at nurturing relationships and may struggle with the more solitary nature of the Creator profile.

In summary, as a Supporter, you excel at building relationships and helping others. You have a creative side and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. Consider roles that allow you to use your nurturing skills and work collaboratively with others. 

If you're considering entrepreneurship, consider starting a social enterprise or partnering with others to create a business that makes a difference. 

If you need further guidance on finding the right career fit for your Supporter profile, consider working with a career coach who can help you create a plan of action that aligns with your values and goals. 

And if you're interested in working remotely like I do but you're not sure what business to create, check out my coaching program below ↓

I help individuals like you start the right online business - based on your talents, personality profile, what's important to you, the audience you’d like to work with and many more criteria. 

Together, we'll create that powerful career that will provide you with purpose, flexibility and impact. 

ArticleJonathan Magnin